
Showing posts from April, 2020


Oh boy, the pandemic really hit the world.  Covid-19 has totally changed the world. New experiences: Lock down - no leaving home, Azwat and I were stuck at home for months. Work from home - well, I'm used to this, as this was my work mode after chemo.  But this becomes worldwide!  Virtual events - no face to face events for now, so I had to get familiarized doing virtual events 100% home cooked food - I always cook, but with this lock down, we have to cook our own food at every meal for months. Poor Azwat had to endure my cooking hehehe! Talk shows - all my favourite talk shows like Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, James Corden were all done from their own home!   Electricity bills - OMG the increase in electricity bills was phenomenal, as we we home all day long! Netflix - it saved our lives.  can't imagine being stuck at home without it Internet - broadband in Malaysia sucks big time.  Paint by numbers - I took up painting to pass time.   Plan...