
Showing posts from April, 2021

Morning Walk

I have never been much of a morning person.  Not even an any day person hahah! But from the beginning of this cancer journey, Azwat pushed me to go out for a morning walk and inhale all the oxygen into the body.  His rationale is cancer can't exist in oxygen.  Makes sense to me. So this would be my routine: 6.00am: Wake up, stretch, day dream a little 6.30am:  Get up, Subuh prayer 7.00am: Get out and walk walk walk, minimum 30 mins.  Can't walk too long as I have to get ready for work.  I'll do longer on weekends. Pre-Covid times, I will walk to this nearby park - Taman Tar.  One round is 3km, up & down hill. Nice park with lots of trees, naughty monkeys and pet dogs.  I even met a pet goat once!  Every morning there will be a group of Tai Chi enthusiasts doing their thing.  Anyone can join them.  Sometimes I join them when I don't have the energy to walk. There were times I was able to run, and happily did 10km around the park. Now that it's Covid period, all I